Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our website address is:

Privacy Policy

Our website address is:

Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties Responsible for the protection of your Personal Data the HOTELIST. With telephone number 984 801.5446 and with the following email address is responsible, in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, for the processing of your personal data.

Form and means of contact

You can contact us, writing a document in English/Spanish, addressed to Philip Vidal and send it by email to the following email address

Purposes of personal data collected

The information you provide as a user of our website will be used to send commercial communications of promotions and/or advertising, to carry out customer surveys, improve the content of the site, as well as for statistical purposes of our service improvement. The type of information that is requested from the users of the services includes, but is not limited to, name, electronic mail address (e-mail), job title, postal code and date of birth. Finally, it will also be used to evaluate the quality of the services we provide and carry out studies on consumption habits and preferences.

Data collected and means of obtaining Personal Data

The personal data that we collect from you, for the purposes described in this privacy notice, is collected personally, when you provide it to us directly when you enter your data or use our online services in social networks under the name of theHOTELIST or thehotelistmexico and when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by Law.

The personal data that we collect directly when you provide it to us by various means are: name, surname, physical address, email address, VAT number, job title, work address, mobile phone, office phone, website and profiles on social networks.
Whenever the Law allows other sources of obtaining information such as telephone, service and labor directories, the data that we can obtain by said means are name and surnames, telephone and email.

Limitations on the use of data

You can cancel your subscription to receive promotions, offers and services by telephone, email and postal mail by sending a letter written in English/Spanish indicating your request and the necessary data such as Full name (name or names and surname or surnames) telephone and physical or electronic address to email

In exercise of the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition (ARCO RIGHTS)

You have the right to access the personal data that we have, to the details of their treatment, to rectify them in the event that they are inaccurate or incomplete, to cancel them when you consider that they are not necessary for any of the purposes contained in the this Privacy Notice, which are used for non-consensual purposes and finally to oppose the processing of said data for specific purposes and that must be clearly expressed.

Mechanisms for the exercise of ARCO Rights

The Rights described above are exercised through the presentation of the respective request in writing and in English/Spanish that must be submitted electronically to
For more information, please call: 984 801.5446
The deadline to attend to your request will be a maximum of twenty days from the date of receipt of your request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition. We inform you that it is the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data that is entrusted with ensuring your ARCO rights and is in charge of regulating and verifying compliance with the Law.

Right to revoke your consent to data processing

At any time, you can revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data to stop the use of them, for this it is necessary that you submit your request as described in this same notice in the part of “Form and means contact”.

Your request must indicate Full name (name or names and surname or surnames), a simple copy of your official identification or, in electronic media, a digitized version of it (scanned), indication of the email or physical address that you designate for notifications and a number contact telephone number

Within a maximum period of twenty days from the date of receipt of your revocation request, we will give you an answer on the origin of the same, by means of email, sent to the email address that you have indicated in the request itself. request or by sending a letter to the physical address that you have indicated for such purposes (the twenty days will be considered fulfilled at the time of delivering the document to the postal service) Your personal data will not be transmitted to third parties without your consent, in accordance with article 37 of the Law, including the other exceptions provided for in said legal system.

Modifications to this privacy notice

We reserve the right to make, at any time, modifications, or updates to this privacy notice. The modifications that are made will be made available to the public through some or all the following means: visible announcements in our offices, on our website, via email to the most recent address we have for you, through publications in national newspapers, magazines, posters, sound recordings or in person through our employees when visiting any of our offices.

Information on the Internet

We inform you that when you access our Internet Portal, we receive information regarding your cookies (term defined below in the Definitions part) and web beacons (term defined below in the Definitions part) to obtain information about your type of browser and operating system, the Internet pages you have recently visited, the links you have recently followed, the IP address of your computer, the site you closed before entering our Internet portal.

Definitions The following is understood for the purposes of this Privacy Notice:

I. Cookies. – These are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer equipment when browsing a specific Internet page or portal, which allow the Internet server to store certain data, including, preferred viewing pages on the internet, some keys and passwords.

II. Days. – By provision of Article 3 in section VII of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the terms and times stipulated in days will be counted in business days.

III. ARCO Rights. – These are the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition, enshrined in the Law that by its acronym form said word.

IV. Law. – Refers to the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on July 5, 2010.

V. Web beacons. – Images inserted in Internet pages or portals as well as in emails and that, among others, can store information on the user’s IP address, interaction time on websites, among others.

Tacit consent, in terms of the eighth article of the Law. In the event that you wish to express OPPOSITION to your personal data being treated in accordance with the provisions of this privacy notice, you must send your refusal in writing in English/Spanish to: 

Customer Service
Philip Vidal


These terms and conditions represent the privacy policy on the use of the information included in the database of theHOTELIST and therefore ITS CLIENTS AND COLLABORATORS accept that at the time of inserting or providing their information they conduct themselves with truth and states the following:

  1. THE CLIENTS AND COLLABORATORS accept that all the information added by them will be liable to be compiled and fixed in a database (hereinafter, Database), which will be the property of theHOTELIST.
  2. THE CLIENTS AND COLLABORATORS grant theHOTELIST express authorization to publish, disclose and/or transmit the information that has been inserted in the Database in terms of article 109 of the Federal Copyright Law.
  3. the HOTELIST undertakes and THE CUSTOMERS AND COLLABORATORS accept that all the information compiled in the Database will be stored and protected to prevent its loss, misuse or alteration without being in any way responsible for the interception, reproduction or theft by third parties of the information contained in the Database
  4. CUSTOMERS AND COLLABORATORS accept that by sharing their information they grant their express consent referred to in article 76 bis of the Federal Consumer Protection Law so that theHOTELIST can disseminate and transmit the information inserted in the Database Data to other suppliers or competent authorities that require it.
  5. CUSTOMERS AND COLLABORATORS give their express consent to, in turn, receive information of a character or for marketing or advertising purposes from theHOTELIST in terms of articles 16, 18 and 18 bis of the Federal Law of Consumer protection.
  6. the HOTELIST declares and THE CLIENTS AND COLLABORATORS accept that the HOTELIST will not be responsible or exercise any type of control over the links to different pages, portals, etc. of third parties unrelated to him. This Privacy Notice is governed by the Data Protection Law, its Regulations and other applicable ordinances in the United Mexican States and its acceptance implies its express submission to the courts of Cancun. Mexico, before any controversy or claim derived from it.